Monday, June 26, 2006


When strongbad- I mean Sharkman got back to the shore where his bewildered family was gathered etsm niur,maeout406dp;n 0i
Ben is trying to be cool right now but it aint working

I'll have to wait until I get some more inspiration.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sharkman and Zappin

Sharkman explained that he was going to hold him (the stunned fellow) while he swam underwater and far away from there as quickly as he could. Mr. man didn't really seem too enthusiastic about the idea but he was willing to try it out. Sharkman grabbed the slightly confused man by the arms and just as he was about to go underwater, the rescuee screamed "WAIT!" and reached his hand out to grab something, accidently placing his wet hand upon some damaged electricle instrument panels. There was a white flash and a loud *POP*. Sharkman still held the man by the arms but now he was unconcious. Hubert shook the man a little bit but nothing happened. Then he noticed that there was a small, white glow just under the surface. (I hope you haven't forgotten that they are underneath the capsized boat. It is easy to forget those things you know.) When his eyes adjusted to the darkness again after being almost blinded by an electrical zappage, he noticed that the glowing was coming from the poor man's right hand, the one that he had reached for something with and accidentally hit electronics instead. The man was out cold so Sharkguy lifted his hand out of the water for him to see what on Earth was going on. As the man's hand was lifted out of the water by Sharkman, the glowing seemed to lessen. Then a discovery was made; the man's hand was electracized! (I can't seem to remember the right word at the moment so I used "electracized.") When his hand was wet, there was electricity coming from it and going into the water. (I can't remember any of the right words for this part.) When his hand was removed from the water the zapping would drip off his hand, still zapping as it fell into the water and then it would stop when his hands were dry. Then Sharkman remembered that the man had reached for something that was evidently important to him. Sharkman looked around and saw a little glove box type thing right near the dangerous electrical instruments.
Assuming that this was what he had reached for, Sharkdude opened it up. Inside was a little box about the size of a box you would get for your girlfriend (one that contained a ring). Sharkman took it out but didn't have time to open it because he suddenly heard the sound of automatic weapon fire coming from somewhere above the boat. Clutching the box in his left hand and the unconcious man with his right arm, he dived underneath the water just as the bullets began to ping against the hull of the little speedboat that they were under. He swam as fast as he could away from the two boats but he could tell that somebody with a big scary gun had seen him swim away because he could hear bullets whizzing all around him in the water. The man's right hand was bumping into Hubert's knee and sending a terrible pain searing into his flesh but still he swam on. Very soon he was out of range of the machine gun fire but he swam on for a little while until he remembered that not everyone can hold their breath like he can and he came up to give his unconcious friend a little breather.

Stay tuned for more Sharkman... eventually.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Sharkman again

Okay... um... let me think about this. Sharkman was swimming in his shark-suit to a place that he could smell trouble, when he got a weird feeling in his stomach. When Sharkman got to the position of the trouble that he sensed, he discovered a terrible scene: there was a small boat that was capsized and another larger boat that had a large dent in the front of it. There were strange men in dark uniforms on the larger boat looking down upon the capsized boat and they were all talking excitedly about what had just happened. Sharkman kept himself out of their sight. Then he swam underwater to the little boat (which was still running for some reason) and he emerged right underneath the boat, and then somebody started to talk in a frantic voice. He was begging Sharkman not to hurt him and not to take the box. Hubert (that's Sharkman for those of you who didn't know) really didn't understand what this man meant by "don't take the box" but he calmly explained in a low tone of voice that he was here to help him. Hubert now had the disturbing thought that he really didn't know who he was helping. But he just had to hope that it was the goodguy.

Humbug. It's already time for me to leave for work. Goodbye.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Another Rotten Story (Cont.)

So anyway, about my story see...So we left off with Xeno making up his mind to follow the band of ruthless raiders across the countryside. When at last the evil badguy captain named Aimvikedd came to town with his followers to pillage and plunder once again, Xeno just stayed hidden in the shadows (which made many of the villagers think he was a cowardly sparrow). He watched with fierce anger as his fellows and neighbors were beaten, bruised, and robbed of their income. When at last this merciless behavior was finished and Aimvikedd and his evil subordinates went galloping across the land to their hideout, Xeno emerged from his own little hideout, hopped on his trusty steed, and followed the easy-to-find tracks that were left by the bad guys. Now I want to name Xeno's horse. How about... Agutwahn.

You know, now I know why authors take a chapter in the beginning of a book to explain things. It makes for boring reading at first but in the long run, it's much more helpful.Okay, Xeno was of muscular build (of course all heroes need that) and he had dark brown hair that was slightly wavy and went down to his shoulders. His eyes were darkly colored. He carried a battle sword at his right side and a smaller katana type knife-sword thing under his cloak on the same side (for he was left-handed) and a quiver of arrows slung across his back. Unfortunately for him he had no bow at this time for in his hurry to hide from the evildoers, he had dropped it on the ground. A bow in the hands of the villagers and peasants of course, was outlawed. So they had taken it away and yelled and screamed at everyone for they were desperate to know who it had belonged to. But of course the villagers would never give away their only hope for deliverance out of bondage from the raiders. Lets see..., oh yes, there was a lovely young peasant girl that he loved and wished to marry someday whose name was Marian.

Okay, that's good for now.So he took off after the wicks and followed at a distance for days and nights. The local law enforcement at Xeno's hometown were furious with him and decided to take off after him so they could "stop him from getting hurt."Then one afternoon, Xeno spotted Ye Olde Forest off in the distance. But then the Law enforcement officials overtook him. "Hail Xeno, keeper of the peace!" Xeno had never been called a keeper of the peace before and this quite flattered him.
"Hail Law enforcement, enforcers of the law!" Xeno replied.
"We have overtaken thee to bid thee not to enter Ye Olde Forest for thy life shall be in grave peril."
"Sires, it is my duty as a citizen of an oppressed village to attempt to liberate thee out of bondage from ye evil oppressors."
"KEEP SILENT!!" the head officer barked. "I shall tell thee what is thy duty as a citizen of my village!"
"Then pray, what is my duty?"
"Thy duty shall be to keep thy opinions to thyself just as thy fellow kinsmen hath done for an age, and to never esteem thyself as in the position to take any unneeded action against thy oppressors."
"Thou hast spoken falsely, to liberate a nation is a great duty to be performed by not only those who are oppressed, but also by those that are observing the oppression of that nation." (political agenda)

Oh no, will Xeno be able to continue his quest to liberate his village? Or will he have to be escorted back across the country by the officers? The only way to find out is... keep reading my posts. So Long For now. Peace out!!

Another Rotten Story

"Put a sock in it" he says. What a guy. I have ten minutes to come up whiththtjh a good story.

One day long ago in the kingdom of Werbahdguiz, ther lived some very bad guys. They would raid the local villages of all their riches and make off into the woods where their secret fortress was hidden in the shadows. The local athorities were strangely ignorant of these unfortunate occurances and did little to help the poor townsfolk. Then one day there arose among the peasants, a hero named Xeno. Xeno decided to follow the ruthless band of raiders across the countryside and into the dreaded forest of doom.

OH PHOOEY!! ten minutes isare up already! Well Mom, don't try to give me any ideas for this story because I already have it all figured out and I don't want you to give any of it away. (I'll love you even if you can't resist though.) until nextime, I'm Joe Fool saying so long for now.

Sharkman Returns

Alright, I have just had another inspiration for my Sharkman series (oh joy).

So lets see, last time I wrote about Sharkman I was describing all of his magnificent abilities because I could not think of anything else to write about him. Well one day, Sharkman is swimming about in the ocean in his Shark skin when all of the sudden, he smells trouble. So of course since he was a superheroe, he had to investigate. So, swimming faster that a fast boat, he finally reaches the spot that the trouble was coming from. Now I have never considered exactly how Sharkman can rescue people when he is a shark. Well, okay so lets say that he wasn't in the ocean because it's kind of inconvenient for me this time. (if you didn't read about all of sharkmans abilities this might not make much sense.) So sharkman is not a shark right now, he is dressed is his notorious Shark-Suit which doesn't limit him as much as being an actual shark does. This is probably going to be a confusing post.

So let's say that Sharkman was on vacation visiting his relatives in the town of Copper Harbor, Michigan, really quite a lovely spot. So as he was swimming around in the water having a jolly good time he happened to smell some trouble. Realizing that there was imminent danger to some poor soul out in the large lake of superiority, Hubert quickly ran to the cottage in which he was staying, donned his shark-suit, and dove into the water, leaving behind a bunch of bewildered relatives. As Hubert began to approach the spot he believed the trouble was located he began to get a weird feeling deep down in his stomach.

Well, it's almost time for me to leave now. I bet it feels like youre watching TV with my dad every time you read my blog (Dad would always watch 2 or 3 shows at once, flipping back and forth between commercials). Hopefully I'll finish this episode this time.

Sharkman Tries to Continue

From this point I am a bit confused as to where I should go next with this Sharkman thing. I guess that I'll try hard to make all you Sharkman fans happy!

Last time on Sharkman:( We learned that as Hubert was having a swim in shark infested water near a nuclear power plant he was chomped by a big shark and then he turned into a shark himself... Yeah.... Now for:) Sharkman Returns (although I didn't know that he had left)

I guess I really don't have any ideas after all. Oh, but I must discuss his superness more completely. Ok, first of all he only turned into a shark when he was in salt water (He was a shark on the beach before because his swim trunks were wet) but whenever he wanted to be a shark in freshwater he was distraught, for he could not turn into a shark then. (Boy this is a strange story!) But it was this unfortunate occurrence (or "unoccurrence") that lead to the construction of his notorious shark suit which struck sheer terror into the hearts of evildoers everywhere. Other than the unnatural ability to turn into a shark, Hubert also got a slew of other abnormal qualities about himself that I will list here.

The Superswim: This was the power to swim very vast even when he wasn't a shark.

The Superchomp: This power came in real good handy when he went out to fancy restaurants like Applebee's and ordered a piece of steak.

The Watersniff: The ability to smell trouble in the water from two miles away.

The Iron torso: A very strong torso (which, by the way, no good superhero can go without).

And Finally, The Sharktongue: This allowed him to converse with any shark he pleased (which came in handy dandy later on).

Sharkman Begins

No, it is not haddock day anymore. But it is the first time in quite awhile that I have had a chance to get on the blogger. But, it seems that I have all kinds of fantastic ideas of things to blog about but I always forget them when I get on the computer. Perhaps I shall tell you a story about the menny avencherz uv... SHARKMANN!! Dananananananananananananananana SHARKMANN!!!! Oh deere, I'm drawing a blank.
Once upon a time there lived a man who loved to swim. One day... Hubert (that was his name I guess) decided to go for a swim near a nuclear power plant. Don't ask me why he decided to do that because I really have no clue. But it just so happened that there was a rather large and sinister looking shark swimming near the same power plant on that very same day who promptly bit Huey's pinkey fingers off and swam away laughing. Now Huey was not the excitable sort and, examining the situation carefully, decided that the best thing to do was to get out of the water (a logical idea in my opinion). So Hubert swim for shore and save himself and, feeling a bit drowsy, decided to drive home and take a nap. unfortunately for him his car had mystyriously fallen off a large cliff and exploded. Deciding at last that there was nothing better to do he lew himself down and dozed off right on the beach. when he awoke, he had a strange inclination to go for another swim and, feeling nothing better to do (which, quite often in Hueys life there was nothing better to do) began to try and get up. But for some reason beyond his guessing, try as he might he could not manage to get himself up. But he soon discovered that rolling himself over and over was not only for children but for him too (at least it was at this point in time). The water was looking ever so good to him at the moment and for the life of him he couldn't figure out why (He also greatly desired a tuna fish sandwich). He was much relieved when, at last he splished into the water. He somehow found the water unusually comfortable and began swimming around. And in this way, Hubert learned that, over the period in which he was peacefully sleeping, he was also peacefully turning into a shark.

A Piratee Story (Cont.)

After examining his helpless situation, Henry decides that the only thing to do is outsmart these vicious brutes with his infinitely superior intellect. Unfortunately he cannot think of any way to do this for all the island natives speak cannibalian and Henry doesn't know that language. Neither can he use his handy dandy boom-boom stick for it is currently lying on the bottom of the Pacific ocean. And I am currently having a hard time coming up with some spectacular escape plan for him to execute.

I guess I should start by explaining the circumstances surrounding his capture. Well, it went like this; as a fierce native was strolling along the beach one day looking for perdy sea-shells to decorate his hut with, he chanced to come across an odd piece of wood lying on the sand. After inspecting his find very carefully, he decided it was some kind of unusual weapon, and, being the kind of good natured native that he was went to see if he could find any more for his buddy. And that was how he happened to come across a most unusual specimen. Mr. Native was so excited at his unique find that he ran to the willage as fast as his to legs could carry him to bring news of his discovery to all the town board. They of course were very excited to hear about the strange weapon he had found but more importantly they wanted to know about his second discovery. After listening to Native #1 (lets call him Paco) tell his fascinating story, they all voted on whether or not to send out a group of militia to extract Henry from the beach. Following much deliberation, they agreed to dispatch a group of highly trained recon soldiers to execute their bold plan. Paco went along to see all the excitement happen. When the unit of recon soldiers got to the beach they were all flabbergasted, "Paco not joke." one soldier stated.Another pulled out a length of hemp and quickly bound the wicked man up with it. Then they all (excluding Paco) hoisted Henry's limp body up above their heads and danced off into the foliage with Paco following close behind. As soon as they got back into town, every living soul there was aghast. They had never seen such an unusual thing before. After determining that he was still in good health, the mayor decided that, since they were low on food, they would fatten him up and eat him for thanksgiving. (how horrid!) Then he awoke and sent the whole village into a panic for no apparent reason. And that is where we find him.

I still have to try and figure out how he makes his daring escape, so stay tuned for more adventures of... Henry the Cut-throat Pirate.

A Piratee Story

Once upon a time, in the oceans of the south pacific, there lived a dastardly wicked pirate named Henry. Henry was feared by all men, dead and alive and he was nearly invincible. He had the bestest of ships and an extraordinarily evil crew. He would often go out pillaging and plundering upon the high seas and send stark terror into the hearts of sharks everywhere.Anyway, one day Henry's ship ran into rocks in a fierce storm and sank to the depths of the sea drowning every one of his crewmembers. Henry was the sole survivor of the terrible wreckage and was left to be tossed to and fro on the violent waves with nothing but a large chunk of spalted maple to keep him afloat. After drifting for days out in the middle of no-mans-land, Henry spotted land. But if you think that he could just swim to shore like nothing after drifting around helplessly for days with no food or good water you should work in hollywood. He had to wait till the current pulled him closer to shore before he even considered making a swim for it. It was a long and arjuous swim for him and when he finally got to shore he dragged himself up high enough so that the tide wouldn't get him and fell fast asleep. When he awoke, he was surrounded by angry natives who looked frighteningly hungry. Carefully examining the situation, Henry thought up a bold plan.

or just wait till I think up a bold plan for Henry to execute
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